Monday, September 30, 2019
Business Ethics at Acme Corporation Essay
Mr. Frank Garcia was a new salesman at Acme Corporation. At Acme Corporation the corporate culture was top down or hierarchal and Garcia quickly learned that because of the competitive nature of the medical supplies industry few mistakes were tolerated. One of his very first sales clients was Mr. Otis Hillman, the buyer for Thermocare, a national hospital chain. The sale was a huge success resulting in a $500,000 contract for Acme and an additional bonus of $1,000 for Mr. Garcia. Months later, Mr. Garcia called on Mr. Hillman of Thermocare to increase the existing contract by some $500,000. The deal went through and Garcia received yet another bonus and a letter of achievement from the vice president of Marketing, however the deal cost Acme Corporation a pair of season tickets to the Cubs. On another occasion, Mr. Garcia approached Thermocare for an additional contract worth $750,000, once again Garcia was successful, but this time in return for the favor Acme had to pay for a trip to Cancun Mexico for Mr. Hillman and his wife. Lastly Acme Corporation decided to host a thank you party in Las Vegas for all of their best clients. The clients were informed that, if there is anything that they needed that they should let their salesperson know. That very night Mr. Hillman from Thermocare approached, Mr. Garcia and suggested to him that he was interested in attending an â€Å"adult entertainment club†. Garcia informed his boss, Amber about his client’s request. Amber was very laid back and replied, â€Å"we will take care of it†, however Garcia was a little concerned and asked â€Å"but what will Acme say if this gets out? †to which Amber responded, â€Å"Don’t worry, it won’t. †Taking a closer look at this scenario with Thermocare, Acme Corporation is faced with a few ethical issues. Firstly, we can look at the ethical issue of bribery. It is clear to see that in order for a sale to be successful, Garcia had to bribe Mr. Hillman on each occasion. In other words, each time Garcia proposed a new deal/contract to Thermocare it resulted in a cost Acme. Another ethical issue is Acme paying for Mr. Hillman to attend an adult entertainment club, an activity that is considered to be morally unaccepted and frowned upon by society. Additionally, even though Amber, Mr. Garcia’s supervisor was made aware of these unethical situations regarding the sale contracts with Thermocare, she was so concerned about making a profit that she had no issue with complying with their demands. One may ask, if Mr. Garcia was correct in complying with the demands/wishes of Mr. Hillman. In my opinion, Mr. Garcia was only following orders from his supervisor. If there is any one to blame for the ethical misconduct it should be Amber. In each instance, Mr. Garcia referred the situation to Amber. Furthermore, as the supervisor it was Amber’s responsibility to ensure that Mr. Garcia was conducting business in an ethical manner, however in reality Amber was not doing her job. On the other hand all of the blame should not be solely placed on Amber. It is obvious that Mr. Garcia was also driven by the need for large cash bonuses, in the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was unethical, however as long as he was getting rewarded for his sales performance, he saw no problem with meeting the demands of Mr. Hillman. He figured as long as he making money for the company, what he was doing was indeed justified. However it could be argued that, Mr. Garcia could have easily referred the matter with Thermocare to another supervisor, if he felt that the decision he made, would have negatively impacted the reputation of Acme Corporation as an ethical corporate citizen. In conclusion, we all know that in order for businesses to survive, they must earn a profit. However the life of an organization may be shortened if these profits are realized through misconduct. Additionally businesses must balance their desires for profits against the needs and desires of society, and maintaining this balance often requires comprises. In the case of Acme Corporation if they wish to achieve and maintain a standard as a reputable and ethical corporation it must discontinue its current business practices and sales techniques. Furthermore, Acme must establish an ethics program that will communicate the core values of the organization to all employees and clearly capture the rules and principles that the company defines as appropriate conduct.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Youth Justice in 2011 is tougher on crime than on the causes of crime.
Introduction The aim behind this essay is to ascertain the stance adopted by the UK in terms of how governmental and judiciary authorities deal with the problem of juvenile crime. In order to gain a fuller understanding of this it would be of interest to compare the perspectives of two different political leaders and how they affected the way that juvenile crime was dealt with by authorities. On one particular weekend in August 2011 thousands of rioters took to the street and ransacked high streets in London, Manchester, Croydon and Nottingham. The original cause of the rioting was due to a shooting in Tottenham by police but it seemed to spread over the capital and on to other major cities. Shops were looted and others were burnt down over the course of a week. As a result of this, David Cameron was quick to ascertain what the causes of these riots could be. In a press conference, he suggested that: Social problems that have been festering for decades have exploded in our face†¦.Our security fightback must be matched by a social fightback (Cameron: 2011) Such was the stance eventually taken by the Coalition government as a response to the riots. A similar statement had been famously stated by Tony Blair fourteen years earlier where he specified in his election speech that Labour believed: ‘in personal responsibility and in punishing crime, but also its underlying causes – so toughon crime, tough on the causes of crime’ (Blair: 1997). However, the question remains as to whether these two politically differing views really are so different from each other. The rhetoric seems to be the same. That is, in order to be tough on the crime that it would be necessary to discover the root cause of the crime committed. The question has to be asked as to how far the existing legislation go in achieving that. According to a recent governmental report on the Youth Justice Service, ?800 million was spent on dealing with young people over the previous twelve years. Also, while 10% of that figure was spent on prevention, approximately 90% was spent on actually dealing with the offending behaviour (Soloman and Garside: 2008). Critics had seen this as a symptom of what had been wrong with Labour’s policy regarding the Youth Justice system. Indeed, the same criticism can and has been levelled at the Coalition government judging by their initial reaction to the 2011 London riots. David Cameron famously condemned the riots as being caused by pure criminality and nothing else. It was only after the initial reaction that the Government had stated that a ‘social fightback’ (Cameron: 2011) was needed as much as the ‘security fightback’ was. However, the Government’s initial reaction was soon mirrored by other members of the public and there was seen to be a lack of analytical reaction from anybody apart from a few. According to Ohana and Otten (2011): Except among a few youth experts and political commentators on the so-called ‘left’ there was little mention of or analysis involving the racist shooting that triggered the violence in the first place, or the desperate condition of the neighbourhoods in which many of the young people who rioted live†¦.Most importantly of all, there was next to no mention of the fact that whole generations of young people have simply been abandoned to the elements by an uncaring state, unwilling to see its own responsibility in creating the conditions that have made such events possible (Ohana and Otten: 2011: 244). This view corresponds with other views which also specify that it ought to be no surprise that the media and public reaction to the riots were non-analytical in their scope: Hughes (2011) specifies that: It is of little surprise that the perceptions of the public appear to resemble those presented by the media and politicians. Rather than the official crime figures, it is the stereotyping and emotive headlines that seem to have the greatest influence.’ (Hughes: 2011: 190) On the surface, this may appear to be an obvious statement to make. After all, it could be argued that the public’s reaction to the riots were understandably affected by the media coverage both during and after the riots took place.However, critics were also understandably concerned that the Government had employed a kneejerk reaction but then delayed in deciding exactly what was to be done about it (LSE and The Guardian: 2011: ‘Reading the Riots’) There was a similar response to crime in general by the Labour opposition before they took power in 1997. Blair’s Labour had responded to a resurgence in crime on the streets at the time. According to Raine and Keasey (2009), they had attempted to address the problem of crime on the streets by attempting to get at what they perceived to be the source. Numerous programs were suggested and installed once they got into power, including Surestart centres and the New Deal for the unemployed. Raine and Keasey (2009) suggested, however, that these measures only went so far in addressing the issue (Doolin: 2009: 126-127) of youth crime. It would seem that this also backs up the figures quoted earlier regarding the percentage of money spent on prevention (10%) as opposed to the money spent on catching, trying and detaining criminals (90%). It could be argued that the amount of money spent on each reflects on either the priority given to prevention of crime of respective government s or on an increased criminality in the general populace. Again, this is a stance that is maintained by Sanders (2011) who suggested that because New Labour were essentially ‘governing through ASB (anti-social behaviour)’ that there was: An ever-increasing share of a decreasing government budget being spent on criminal justice, prison and police in particular (Silvestri: 2011: 12) This could be argued to show that New Labour at the time were more willing to spend money on surveillance of crime and criminals but they were not always willing to pay for maintenance of prisons, supply of police officers and the infrastructure of the criminal justice system. However, there was much emphasis from the New Labour government on focussing upon the youth which, according to Coles (2012), had only been a focus for different governmental departments pre-1997.Coles (2012) states that the Blair administration was the first to have a Ministry and department (Social Exclusion Unit) specifically for young people to address the NEET problem (Alcock et al: 394) and thereby address the problem of anti-social behaviour. It was for this reason that the Connexions service was set up Furthermore, the same could be said for the Coalition’s policies regarding criminal justice. Austerity measures were talked up as being the reasons behind the cuts before the riots. However, it could be argued that some of the cuts regarding youth justice and its appendages were made too harshly. Those things that matter to individuals such as education and health are being cut back and this in turn has triggered off the mentality that was inherent in the riots. According to Will Hutton, as quoted in Ohana and Otten(2011),: We are arriving at a major turning point in our national life. It is not enough to talk about being tough on crime and the causes of crime. We need an entire root and branch reshaping of our economy and society – where both rewards and punishment are judicious proportional and deserved, and all within a revived and larger understanding of fairness†¦.We need good capitalism and the good society that accompanies it (Ohana and Otten: 2011: 245) It remains to be seen whether this present Coalition government is going to do anything about the ‘root and branch’ causes behind youth crime in general and last year’s riots in particular.The mixed messages given out by the Government seems to indicate that they will be just as tough on the causes of criminality as they will be on criminality itself. Given the track record of the previous government regarding equality of expenditure between the punishment of crime and the prevention of it, this Coalition government may have a job on their hands in balancing the two. Reference List Blair, T (1997), ‘New Labour because Britain deserves better’, The 1997 New Labour Manifesto, Available at Cameron, D, (2011), ‘PM’s Speech on the fightback after the riots’, Monday 15th August 2011, Available at Coles, B (2012), ‘Young People’, IN: Alcock, P, May, M, Wright, S, (2012), ‘The Student’s Companion to Social Policy’, 4th Edition, London Hughes,(2011) Ohana, Y and Otten, H, (2012), ‘Where do you stand?: Intercultural Learning and Political Education in Contemporary Europe, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien, Germany Raine, J and Keasey, P (2010), ‘Introduction: The Changing Politics of Law and Order’, IN: Doolin, K et al (ed.) (2010.), ‘Whose Criminal Justice?: State or Community?’, Waterside Press, Hook, Hampshire, England Rusbridger, A, (2011), (ed.), ‘Reading the Riots: Investigating England’s summer of disorder’, The Guardian, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Accessed at Sanders, A (2011), ‘What was New Labour thinkingNew Labour’s approach to Criminal Justice’, IN: Silvestri, A (ed.), (2011), ‘Lessons for the Coalition: an end of term report on New Labour and criminal justice.’ Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, The Hadley Trust, London Soloman E, and Garside, R, (2008), ‘ Ten Years of Labour’s youth and justice reforms: an Independent audit, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, The Hadley Trust, London Available at
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Republic Day Essay
Republic Day is one of the three national holidays of India and the greatest festival celebrated in the country. It is celebrated every year on January 26, in New Delhi with great pomp, fanfare and pageant. While in the capitals of the States and other headquarters, it is marked with patriotic fervor. The most spectacular celebrations are marked by the Republic Day Parade that takes place in the capital of New Delhi at Rajpath. It includes march past of the three armed forces, massive parades, folk dances by tribal folk from different states in picturesque costumes marking the cultural unity of India. Further, the streak of jet planes of Indian Air Force, leaving a trial of colored smoke, marks the end of the festival. It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 – January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Color Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge was taken that on January 26 every year, â€Å"Republic Day†would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was already achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this fact that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. The festivity of Republic Day concludes officially with the intriguing Beating Retreat ceremony on the evening of 29th January. This enthralling ceremony is performed by the military, the Indian Air Force, India Navy and India Army in the Raisina Hills, New Delhi, in front of the President of India as the Chief Guest.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Small pox and letter bombs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Small pox and letter bombs - Essay Example However, in the hands of a terrorist group, the most effective method to cause a massive outbreak would be to launch a covert attack using airborne methods. According to Pavlin (1999), a covert attack that exposes people to the smallpox virus, spores is the most likely scenario the world can encounter in the case of a bioterrorism attack (p. 532). The robust nature of the smallpox virus makes it possible to be disseminated through the air as an aerosol. Thus, chances of the virus spreading from one person to the other through the air are very high. Covert attacks may result in the massive outbreak of the disease after about two weeks of incubation. In order for the potential terrorist to cause a major outbreak of smallpox, they would firstly, weaponize the virus. Weaponization includes making sufficient quantities of the virus in stable forms. Covert attacks would have more effects because the outbreak goes completely unnoticed. The use of air-borne route to deliver the virus is still the most effective because low cost and easily accessible equipment can be used to produce aerosol with small particles. In ideal scenarios, the particles can remain in the air for longer durations and easily enter the lungs of people. Since the method is airborne massive outbreaks may be achieved (Klietmann & Ruoff, 2001). Other than bioterrorism, letter bombs are the other terrorist threats facing people. Historically, the likelihood of a person receiving a letter containing suspicious substances or device is low. However, it is important to remain very vigilant for suspicious packages because they may contain a mail bomb or any other threat. Many indicators can help identify suspicious letters or packages. It is worthy to check the size of the letter or package. Large packages are suspicious of such threat but flat, and thin envelopes may rarely contain the threat of a bomb (Burke, 2006). Checking
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business Law (6) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Law (6) - Assignment Example (C) My own example relating to the definition given above is; If an employer wants to recruit employees and in that regard, the employer states that the job will be paying $1,000 a month with no allowances and that the engagement period is 5 years terms that is renewable based on the performance of the employee, the employer will also not be obliged to explain the reasons as to why the an employee is dropped or considered for the next term. The terms can continue base on what the employer is interested in. The terms expressed here in relation to job defines what a vacancy. (B) In my own definition, acceptance can be considered to be; the evaluation of the terms contained in the offer and yielding to them in a bid to considered being engaged in the contract qualifying it to be a legal obligation. (C) As I have stated in the above explanation, if an employer stipulates the terms of the contract and them the prospective employees ratifies the terms and get to be engaged in the contract legally by appending their personal signature and having unconditionally read and understood the content of the offer, it is said that acceptance has taken place. After acceptance, the employee is legally bound to operate within the stipulations. (D) The website provides step wise definition of the term from the general English version to the legal definition. In this regard, it gives an array of the definition that foster further understanding of the term. (B) According to my own definition, consideration is that resonance that results after the employer and the employee strikes a balance by ratifying legal obligation of each side given satisfaction of their side of bargain. I other words we say that the offer has been ratified by the prospectus in legally required manner and thus acceptance of the offer to undertakes to the needs and responsibilities as stated in the offer. (C) An example relating to the above is when an offer is
Dollar Instability as World Reserve Currency Essay
Dollar Instability as World Reserve Currency - Essay Example This scenario is about to change (Lorimer n.p). Though the mainstream media in the U.S. has been abnormally silent about this, truth is that some of the big economies on the globe are making agreements with each other to shift from using the U.S. dollar in international trade. Currently, some oil producing countries have begun selling oil in non U.S. dollar currencies. This is a huge threat to the petrodollar system that has been in place for almost four decades. In addition big international organizations such as the United Nations and IMF have started advocating for the need to move away from the U.S. dollar adopt a new world reserve currency. The operation of the U.S. dollar as a world reserve currency is under threat and the impending shift in international trade will have massive implications on the U.S. economy. There are several reasons as to why countries want to get rid of the U.S dollar as a reserve currency. First and foremost is the instability of the dollar. Big economies such as China already hate having to rely on the U.S dollar. The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy that is notably loose and the rapidly rising public debt of the U.S. are troubling officials concerned with international trade. There is fear that the stimulus measures that were adopted to revive the U.S.’s flagging economy will soon generate a high inflation burst that will further weaken the dollar. Such an occurrence would be detrimental to holders of US government bonds, including China. China has about $2 trillion of its $3.2 trillion currency reserves held are in dollars most of which is in bonds. The U.S. has also lost its triple-A credit due to failure to come up with credible plans to cap its public debt (The Economist). In addition, China as the second largest economy on earth with projections that it will pass the U.S economy by 2016 and be three times larger by 2040, it is difficult for China to continue using the dollar in its economy (Lorimer n.p ). China together with other emerging economic powers such as Russia, over the past several years have been quietly making agreements that will see them shift from the use of the U.S. dollar when conducting international trade. The economy of the U.S. is continuously fading. This is going to make it difficult to argue for the U.S. dollar to continue functioning as the primary reserve currency of the world. An indication of the changing fortunes of the dollar is the recent deal between China and Japan that promotes the use of their currencies when conducting bilateral trade. Currently, they do their trade in U.S. dollars but the instability of the dollar has necessitated such an intervention. In addition to this, another emerging block referred to as BRICS comprising of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is also planning to move away from U.S. dollar based trade. The block proposes to create a credit facility that will enable these countries to use their local currencies i n trade. For over a year now, China and Russia have used their national currencies when conduction bilateral trade (Lorimer n.p). The growing use of the Chinese Currency in Africa is an indication of a process that is already in motion. In 2009, China overtook the United States of America as Africa’s biggest trading partner. Many African countries therefore prefer to use the Chinese yen in trade With China so as to reduce transaction cost incurred in acquiring U.S dollars. It is approximated that 70,000 Chinese
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Studying Human Mobility through Photograph Geo-Tagging Research Paper
Studying Human Mobility through Photograph Geo-Tagging - Research Paper Example With 24 satellites and aided with two carrier signals, it can transmit signals accurately. However, to operate within buildings, it requires at least 4 of its satellites to have clear access to that specified area (Djuknic, & Richton, 2001). To overcome such a difficulty, assisted-GPS technology has come into limelight. It provides more accurate detail even from within buildings and also associated with it is a superior quality (Djuknic, & Richton, 2001). Georeferencing is one of the developing technologies, especially geotagging. An analysis on the research related to this field focuses on four major points: 1. Organization of georeferenced media sources 2. Data mining of organized knowledge 3. Identifying the world’s landmarks and 4. Identification of the photo location, geographically(Zheng et. al, 2011) The organized knowledge used for online data mining has two parts. 1. The knowledge stored in database is actually a collection of data provided by the society itself, obta ined from several social websites. 2. The stored knowledge and corresponding mining provides multi-modal information about the stored data. (Zheng et. al, 2011) There are several methods that are used as sources for collecting information that is geotagged. Collective geotagging is one of the important methods where publicly available information uploaded by the users are geotagged and collected. Here the term, â€Å"geotagged†means that some kind of location metadata is added to the object, say a photo. Some of the important information stored in the metadata includes latitude information and place names. This process can be done either by hardware method or software method. Hardware geotagging is done through the installed cameras in mobile phones which on clicking of a photo add that information to the picture. In terms of software, which is the most prevalent method of geotagging, several photo sharing sites like Flickr and Picasso add such information through map tools. Although they are less in accuracy, the provide results with maximum relevance. (Zheng et. al, 2011) Sharing of images in online communities is an upward trend. Especially for people who post their travelogues in blogs and communities with lots of pictures of their trip. Hao. Et. al (2009) created a process which picks up the keywords from the description, identifies the pictures associated with those words and prepared a document with the results of those pictures to create an automated travelogue. Georeferencing has improved on the above process by one step and provides a more coherent result. With many people uploading photos in public and social sites, travel and tracking human mobility has been given a fresh look. Human mobility Georeferencing is considered to be the best thing to have happened for people involved in human mobility studies and for tourists. (Girardian & Blat, 2008) conducted a research to indicate that the pictures and other such information presented by the p eople voluntarily can be used to identify human mobility, especially that of tourists. The first step in understanding the mobility of humans by the authors was to make use of the large amount of data available in the online community. After conducting detailed studies in several tourist parts like Rome, Barcelona and Italy, they were able to collect detailed information about urban tourism. (Girardian & Blat, 2008) The figure shown below shows heat maps which indicate the presence of tourists in Italy along with their
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Proposal Argument Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Argument - Research Proposal Example Indeed, looking at the recent trends in the healthcare industry, one is forced to raise the question: Are good hospitals really accessible/ affordable to the poor? In the changing economic scenario, guaranteed employment is not a feasible option. In the recent years, increasing number of Americans have inadequate or have no health insurance cover because of unemployment. According to Enthovan ‘more than 45 millions U.S. residents do not have access to health care (Enthoven, 2003). Lack of public funding and the increasing cost of healthcare deliverables has become a huge concern. Falling sick has become a luxury that very few people are able to afford. Deckard says that ‘compared to other industrialized nations, the United States has shown the greatest reluctance to move into a unified publicly owned and financed healthcare system’ (Deckard, 2006) which has adversely affected the socio-economic outcomes of the nation. Bradford Kirkman-Liff, professor of health policy and biotechnology at Arizona State University has elaborated on the cause and factors of the deteriorating healthcare system in United States (Bradford, video). Interesting, the increasing numbers of baby boomers have become the major beneficiaries of the patchy public funded healthcare resulting in ‘increased use and... we won’t be able to assure baby boomers that high-quality health care †¦ nor will we be able to assure the generation paying for this care that we won’t bankrupt it in the process’ (Ganim & Reinhardt, 2004). Hence, the need for comprehensive feedback of delivery system and a careful consideration to all the various pros and cons of the developing situations in the public health care has become the need of the hour. In the last few decades, United State has seen a marked shift in the healthcare which has moved from public driven policies to market funded paradigms. According to scholars, the migration of healthcare
Monday, September 23, 2019
Solution to questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Solution to questions - Assignment Example This is because the z-score for 2007 was less than 1.81 while that for 2006 was more than 1.81 but less than 2.675. The calculations shows that the reasonable estimate of the nominal interest rate (nominal yield), rd, for a new issue of Aaa-rated bonds to be offered by Binghamton Truck is 6.27%. This means that the case above requires Binghamton to offer a nominal yield of 6.27% on the Aaa-rated bond to the investors. a) Why might you choose to make the investment in the 1-year security that pays an interest rate of only 6 percent, as opposed to investing in the 2-year security paying 8 percent? Provide a numerical support for your answer. In which case, I only need 3.81% interest rate to reach the savings for the 2 year investment at the end of two years. This is even a lesser rate than the original rate which was 6%. Consequently, I would have more savings when I choose the 6% interest rate. I will choose the 2- year security given the rationale that I am risk averse; in which case, 11% rate is far much more than 6. Since I am afraid of risks, I would not subject myself to a higher required rate of return which usually bears much
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ancient Indian Mathematics Essay Example for Free
Ancient Indian Mathematics Essay There are opposing views prevalent regarding the prominence of mathematics in ancient India. One, there are those who make excessive claims for the antiquity of Indian mathematics with the motive of emphasizing the uniqueness of Indian mathematical achievements. Whereas, the other conflicting views denies the existence of any ‘real’ Indian mathematics before A. D. 500. This view is the result of deeply entrenched Euro centrism that does not negotiate with the idea of independent developments in early Indian mathematics. Whereas mathematics grew out of philosophy in ancient Greece, it was an outcome of linguistic developments in India. In fact the algebraic character of ancient Indian mathematics is but a byproduct of the well-established linguistic tradition of representing numbers by words. ? Around 800 B. C. Vedic mathematics declined and Jains School of mathematics gradually which was to do notable work in the field. ? From about 200 B. C. was period of instability and fragmentation due to foreign invasions but also of useful cross cultural contacts. Probably the only piece of existing mathematical evidence from this period is the Bakhshali manuscript. ? This period ranges from 3rd to 12th centuries and is referred to as the classical period of Indian civilization. Mathematical activities reached a climax with the appearance of the famous quartet: Brahmagupta, Mahvika and Bhaskracharya. Indian work on astronomy and mathematics spread westward, reaching the Islamic world where it was absorbed, refined and augmented before being transmitted to Europe. This last period described as the medieval period of Indian history, saw the migration of astronomy and mathematics from the north to south. Particularly in present day state of Kerala, this was a period marked by remarkable studies of infinite series and mathematical analysis that predated similar works in Europe by about three hundred years. Harappan society was a highly organized society. There is every possibility that the town dwellers were skilled in mensuration and practical ar ithmetic of a bid similar to what was practiced in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeological findings from that period provide the following indications of the numerate culture of that society: ? It shows uniformity of weights over such a wide area and time which is quite unusual in the history of metrology. Taking 27. 584 grams as a standard, representing 1, the other weights form a series of 0. 05, 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. Such standardization and durability is a strong indication of a numerate culture with wellestablished, centralized system of weights and measures. Scales and instruments for measuring length have also been discovered with remarkably high accuracy. A notable feature of Harappan culture was its extensive use of kiln-fired bricks and the advanced level of its brick-making technology. These bricks are exceptionally well baked and of excellent quality and may still be used over and over again provided some care is taken in removing them in the first place. Fifteen different sizes of Harappan bricks have been identif ied with standard ratio of the three dimensions as 4:2:1. It was thought until recently that from them evolved first the Bakhshali Number system and then the Gwalior system which is recognizably close to our present day number system. In both Bakshati and Gwalior number systems, ten symbols were used to represent 1 to 9 and zero. With them it became possible to express any number, irrespective of its largeness, by a decimal place value system. Long lists of number- names for powers of 10 are found in various early sources. In the Ramayana, it is reported that Rama had an army of 1010 +1014 +1020 +1024 +1030 +1034 +1040 +1044 +1052 +1057 +1062 +5 men. The very existence of names for powers of ten up to sixty two indicates that the Vedic Indians were quite at home with very large numbers. This is to be compared with ancient Greeks, who had no words for numbers above the myriad (104). The Jains who came after the Vedic Indians were particularly fascinated by even larger numbers which were intimately tied up with their philosophy of time and space. For units of measuring time, the Jains suggested following relationship: 1 purvis = 756 * 1011 days 1 shirsa prahelika = (8,400,000)28 purvis The last number contains 194 digits! The word numeral system was the logical outcome of proceeding by the multiples of 10. Such a system presupposes a scientifically based vocabulary of number names in which the principles of addition, subtraction and multiplication are used.  Due to oral mode of preserving and disseminating knowledge, the wordnumeral system persisted in India. As a replacement to this, a new concrete system was devised to help versification and memory, known as bhutasamkhya, wherein numbers were indicated by well-known objects or ideas.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Paths Of Overprotected And Neglected Children Young People Essay
Paths Of Overprotected And Neglected Children Young People Essay Commercials and posters flood our daily lives by projecting images of helpless children who are in desperate need. Many people are aware of the children living in poverty, orphans, and abusive households. The media portrays neglected children who suffer from malnutrition, starvation, and the absence of love. In return, the advertised organization seeks for a small contribution of a dollar a day to help make a childs life better. However, what about the child who endures the exact opposite of neglect? Less attention is veered towards the silent abuse of parents who control their child to the extreme that they are actually hindering their development and performance by not allowing their child to grow and experience life healthily. Does a child who is overly cared for and overly protected by their extremely overprotective parent still possess a better life than the child who is neglected? Or is the overprotected child just as helpless as the neglected? Significance: The children today are the future and faces of tomorrow. A childs future is greatly influenced by his or her parents. A parent who is abusive restricts a child from possessing a healthy lifestyle and developing healthy relationships with other individuals. However, a parent who is over controlling will limit a child from developing essential skills necessary to govern and direct their own life in a positive and healthy manner. Yet many fail to acknowledge this and assume that parents are just being loving and caring; emotions that all parents and guardians are expected to express. Therefore, many people do not listen to these children and believes that their problems are not as severe as the children who suffer from physical or verbal abuse. This is significant to human development because many children suffer from the limitations their overprotective parents impose and do not have access to the same amount of help and assistant as children with abusive parents. Problem Statement: Through my research, I hope to raise public awareness of this silent abuse. Most importantly, I hope to reach out to parents who are over controlling, as well as abusive, and have them place their childs interests before their own. If a parent, who is over protective of their child, cares about their child deeply, then they should care more about their childs wellbeing rather than their own personal desires and expectations of their child. Literature Review: Parents who overprotect their child to the extreme can prevent their child from acquiring the basic fundamental skills of life. As a result, the child can become emotionally handicap and rely on his or her parent throughout their life. As stated by Cossentino, children in this situation are not able to develop a knowledge of independence and remains bound to the parent while the parent is bound in a cycle of overprotection (The Overprotected Child). This dangerous cycle leaves the child and parent bonded together in such a way that it is unhealthy for both members. The child relies on their parent immensely that the parent is responsible to attend to every single matter of the childs life; from basic chores, resolving a conflict, to communicating with acquaintances of the child. This often stifles the growth and development of a child, who cannot live without authority. Thus, the parent cannot leave this cycle because the parent raised the child in this manner. Children lack a knowledge of resolving conflicts and have a high chance of being rejected by their peers due to low confidence and an inability to stand up for oneself (Cossentino). With parents always protecting them, the child will never be aware of how to stand up for oneself and is unable to confront the realities of life. These children have the inability to be very social among others besides their own parents, which causes them to develop a low self-esteem as well as low self-confidence. The inability to make decisions on his or her own can cause a child to be unprepared for the future and is unable to live without a parent or authority figure. As stated by Cossentino, children will lack life-experiences of decision making, life skills, age appropriate freedom, and conflict resolution. An overprotected child becomes bound to a parent in a way that is similar to how a baby is bounded to its mother for the rest of its life. The child is completely unprepared for freedom and responsibility, finding it hard to exercise self-discipline and is more vulnerable to getting emotionally hurt. As argued by Guthrie and Matthews, Overprotecting parents can lead children to develop Peter Pan Syndrome (No More Push Parenting, 44). The Peter Pan Syndrome affects people who do not want or feel unable to grow up. In other words, people with the body of an adult but the mind of a child. Peter Pan was a fictional character who refused to grow up and had a never-ending childhood. Those with this syndrome do not know how or do not even want to stop being children and start being adults. These people are unable to grow up and take on adult responsibilities; they see the adult world as very problematic and glorify being a child, which is why they want to stay in that state of privilege. Children who have been neglected on the other hand are in complete control of their life and are forced to survive on their own. Neglected children do not have an authority figure and may be more likely to replace the unknown feeling of love with hate and anger. Children tend to try and please their parents to gain affection. However, when they cannot please their parents, they become filled with rage and take their anger out destructively (Nguyen). The violence neglected children seek for may be towards other individuals or other substances, but for some, they seek to hurt themselves. Children repress rage only to become depressed and suicidal (Watkins, A3). These children possess a great amount of emotion built up inside them that it becomes unbearable and hard to deal with. Thus, they try to fill the void of love in their life with other things or someones acceptance. As Andron stated, Children with low self-esteem search for someones acceptance, which usually winds down a damagin g path eventually set up for death or become life-threatening (23). More than likely, they fall under peer pressure or experiment with drugs and alcohol, anything to make them feel accepted. Because they lack a knowledge of what is normal or who to trust, they are more vulnerable to perpetrators and are often abused by their peers. One form of violence an individual may express is through school. For example, the University of Texas massacre in Austin left 18 dead while the Columbine High School took a death toll of fifteen, and the highest toll of thirty-three lives was the Virginia Tech massacre (Watkins, A3). When an individual commits a crime, he or she is questioned for the reason of their action. However, few people turn to the parents or even glance at the childs home life. Children turn to destructive manners for coping as a way to test if their parents really care for them or not (Nguyen). By hurting oneself, an individual tests the love of a parent, or to see if anyone else bothers to really care. Many parents are incapable of seeing the damaging effects of placing their own needs before their childs. They fail to see the atmosphere and living situation they created and forced their child to endure. Most importantly, they fail to treat and raise their child healthily. By overprotecting to the extreme, a parent not only shields a child from pain, but also robs the child of their adulthood by keeping them from developing friendships, intimate relationships, and independent skills along their journey of life. Thus, through neglect, a child is forced to learn how to survive through life on their own without the protection of a parent, without the love and guidance a parent has to offer, and without the comfort of a real family. Therefore, what is worse: overprotection or abandonment? Methodology: By listening to the personal stories of my volunteered subjects, I hope to obtain data that reflects whether or not both children, who are on opposite ends of the spectrum, share the same difficulties. The individuals I will choose will be children and their parents who reside in Cambodia. Cambodia is a poverty-stricken country and the home to many neglected children who roam the streets begging for food. Sadly, because of this, it will not be difficult to find a neglected child to speak with. The difficulty will be trying to find the parent or guardian of the neglected child and persuading him or her to share their own personal story. In addition, families who are wealthy have higher expectations for their children and try to mold their child into what they want by controlling every aspect of their childs life. Because of this, I will listen to the stories of a child is in a more well-off family and his or her parents story .
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