Thursday, January 30, 2020
Sony China Market Segmentation Essay Example for Free
Sony China Market Segmentation Essay Sony VAIO is the best computer that serves the needs of every customer and is not comparable at all. From the conducted 760 surveys, 18 percent are grouped in the segment of entertainment lovers. Then 88 percent of all the entertainment lovers plan to by a laptop within the next 12 months, according to Exhibit 8. Therefore, there are approximately 120 entertainment lovers likely to purchase a laptop within a year, of who about 8 would buy a Sony. In the Clues report there is an equally distribution across segments, although the problem is that the sample size is not sufficiently large and the gap between the last column of each segment is not obvious enough, which may make comparison more difficult to conduct. For the Compass report, the advantage is that the sample size is good and diversity of respondents is taken into account. There are clear gaps between the final results of each segment. However, the disadvantage is the bound for segmentation is unclear, which can cause confusion in selecting target segment. Mr. Lopez, as your market strategy is focused on the current loyalty and interest in Sony, the target of segmentation is to retain existing customers while at the same time grow the share of customers Sony’s products. Therefore, we believe that Sony should segment the market from a global perspective. Consequently, the Compass report, which segmented the market by purchase motivations, would be a better foundation under this marketing strategy because it involved a much larger base of respondents from various countries and regions of the world. It took much more diversified factors into the investigation of motivations behind buying decisions, which offered a crucial facilitation to the company to expand its foreign markets. With reference to the Compass study data in China shown in table 2, the best segments to be targeted are Techonosocializers, performance seekers and status focused customers, as the probability of purchasing a Sony computer within the next 12 months by these segments are relatively high than the remaining three segments. The motivations of buying decisions made by the three segments are to capture information from multimedia access, to facilitate online social networking and to reflect the social status of an individual. These motivations can be best served by Sony brand.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Governmental Purpose :: essays research papers
Webster’s dictionary defines government as authoritative direction or control. However, many believe there is a more philosophical approach to the purpose of government. Thomas Jefferson wrote that "The essential principles of our Government...form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.†In this he refers to the creation of our democratic nation as a guide through the perils of our past. Government is often thought of as simply the ruling of our nation, but it is much more than that. It has provided us with a nation proud of its commitment to justice and freedom. Although leaders may have the authority to impose penalty and law through their political power, in a democracy the people are allowed to be actively involved in the government. John Locke defined political power as â€Å"†¦a right of making laws, with penalties of death, and consequently all less penalties for the regulating and preserving of property, and of employing the force of the community in the execution of such laws, and in the defense of the commonwealth from foreign injury, and all this only for the public good.†Political power is most often only deemed to be in the interest of the citizens, such as in countries like China, where government officials claim to know what the people want; however, may not make decisions according to their will. The more preferable form of democracy is a representative one, in which the politicians compete for votes in organized elections. Yet, in any commonwealth the want is a central power that works for the people. When government is applied in a positive sense, justice is served and democracy is in its purest form. It is the goal of government to lead our country in a fashion that does not provide a monopoly of power or authority to any single group or individual. John Locke believed in â€Å"A state†¦of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Alice and Coraline
Austin Way English I Mr. Keiter February 28, 2013 Alice and Coraline Comparison The book Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll. Coraline was written by Neil Gaiman. Each book was later turned into films to help better get a picture of the adventurous lands the girls traveled through. In the movies Alice in Wonderland and Coraline there are many similarities but also many differences. Though having many differences and similarities each film taught a lesson to the audience by showing the interesting journey of each girl and their adventures along the way.There are many similarities between the movies. In both stories the viewpoint figure meets a talking cat. The girls were around the same age during their adventures. They both went forward into a different reality due to their curiosity. When they arrived to this unknown place it was cool and interesting to them. They both went through a hole to get to this â€Å"opposite/wonderland†. They each started out pretty muc h unhappy with the way their life was. They both returned with a new sense of life.Both were in danger by a female dominate figure (Queen of hearts/Other Mother). Alice was uncertain about all that was happening around her. Coraline adored the change at first. Alice was set up more colorful and strangely cheery. Coraline was gothic looking and dark. Coraline had to help the souls of other girls who had fallen to the Other Mother, Alice didn’t. Alice grew and shrunk throughout the book/film, while Coraline stayed the same. In Alice in Wonderland Alice follows a talking white rabbit down a hole.In this hole is where her journey begins. Alice must kill Jabheiwoki to return to her normal life. Sadly when Alice returns home her family is the same. Though upset things haven’t changed Alice is now strong enough to stand up to her fiance that she doesn’t want to get married to. â€Å"Alice†is mostly a book without a plot telling of Alice's dream experiences whic h don’t particularly make sense but are not supposed to make sense. It is a dream tale. Alice herself is the viewpoint character and as such is very â€Å"normal†.Alice seems no different in â€Å"Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There†. Coraline is also the viewpoint character and very normal, but the events that happen to her, within the story, are supposed to be â€Å"real†, not a dream. In Coraline she also enters another world because her family doesn’t pay attention to her. She must trick and kill the other mother to return to her real life and get out of this button fancy. Coraline also saves her real family in the fancy land. When they return to real life the family is much closer and has a stronger relationship. Coraline†has a plot in which a mysterious spidery woman is attempting to persuade Coraline into remaining in this other world forever. No such temptation is ever laid before Alice. In Coraline others have previ ously been taken captive by the ruler of the world in which Coraline finds herself which is a plot element the like of which does not exist in â€Å"Alice†. Coraline must rescue them. â€Å"Alice†has some characters appear more than once, for example, the Duchess, the Cheshire Cat, and the Hatter but nothing that corresponds to a main plot. Coraline gets out of the clutches of the spidery woman by being clever.Alice gets out of her dream by just waking up. Coraline must crawl back through the hole after killing the other mother. Alice does not change in the story, or at least we are not shown enough of what she was like before the dream or after to see what kind of change in her personality may have occurred. Coraline changes and becomes happy for what she had but is also grateful that this whole experience brought her and her family closer. This was a big difference in the movies because this showed the message the author was trying to send to the audience.If the Que en of Hearts is compared to the spidery woman, it will be observed that they are quite different. The Queen of Hearts seems to be brutal but the reader is told that the many beheadings she orders never actually occur and that we are shown that the King pardons the poor gardeners. The Queen, like most characters in the story are mad, but she is being coddled and protected in her madness. The spider woman, on the contrary, is a force to be reckoned with and has real power. Later both girls realized it was just a front and the places become scary.Each girl then finds themselves fighting to get back home to their normal lives. The adventures, though scary, changed the lives of the young girls. They both became stronger in who they were. Although the girls weren’t very happy with their real life before their journeys, they were still happy to be home. They both learned something or became a stronger individual. Though they were scared during their journey, something good comes fro m everything bad. The girls learned to appreciate what they had and to be careful what they wish for.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Human Trafficking Needs To Be Stopped - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 367 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Human Trafficking Essay Did you like this example? Universally as a whole there are very few people who advocate for human trafficking. Overall it as seen as a problem that needs to be stopped. So the counterarguments come from the justifications of traffickers themselves. Why they feel as if what theyre doing is in some way justifiable and society acceptable. The five justifications that Reyes Cazzies article The Mind of a Trafficker state are distortion, rationalization, social comparisons, blame shifting and dehumanization. Disorientation makes the trafficker feel as if what they are doing is okay. If they can somehow justify that the trafficking isnt trafficking at all then in their mind they are doing nothing wrong. (Reyes, 2016) For example in Japan the government needed a larger workforce so they brought in people from foreign countries and called it internships. Although this was legal often times some of these workers got trapped in debt and then forced to work for the rest of their lives because they owed money. (Reyes, 2016) The second justification is rationalization. That traffickers often feel like they are doing the victims a favor because they see themselves as lending a hand. They feel as if the victims would have no other way of obtaining work without them. (Reyes, 2016) Which in some cases is true that still doesnt make it okay to take advantage of someone because of their situation. Which leds to the third justification social comparisons. Using this comparison makes traffickers try and compare their victims situations and how they treat them to more harsh ones. (Reyes, 2016) They feel as if, if they dont treat the victims bad then arent apart of the issue so they arent the ones to blame which is the fourth justification. (Reyes, 2016) Lastly dehumazation is a justification for traffickers it makes it to where traffickers feel as if those they are trafficking are inferior to them and deserving of exploitation. (Reyes, 2016) Although these justifications are commonly used to make human trafficking acceptable, along with the fact that human trafficking is a major source of wealth. At the end of the day they are still stripping away the basic rights of a human being often through manipulation and there is no justification for that wrong is wrong. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Human Trafficking Needs To Be Stopped" essay for you Create order
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