Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics With the Color of Water
Essay Topics With the Color of WaterTo top off a brilliant college essay, have you chosen the color of water? If you chose this theme, you might consider using a water theme in your next essay as well. If you do, then that will just make your essay even more unique. After all, who else knows about water except you?Choose to use an essay topic that makes the reader ask questions about it. An obvious choice is the color of water, which anyone can instantly see through. Some of the most popular essay topics include the human body, the environment, fiction and poetry, history, computers, the positive side of life, or even children's books.Some people may be put off by the thought of writing about water; however, there are actually many advantages to be had. First of all, you are aware of it. After all, a body of water always has a color. Next, you can use the title for your essay.If you look at the title and you see water, then you already know what the theme is going to be. Once you hav e identified the topic, all you have to do is take it from there.One of the most popular essays in which to use water essay topics is the human body. All the blood and bodily fluids are already available on your body; therefore, you need not waste words telling them off. But you can use different colors, which indicate different bodily functions.Another great essay topic is the environment. You can use the environment to inform your readers about the causes of various problems in the world today. But your choice of subjects is important as well.One of the most famous essay topics is literature, which includes both novel and poetry. If you write about history, the topics you choose will not be so easy to figure out; but with water essay topics, it won't be so hard to find an answer.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Opposition to the DREAM Act Legislation
Imagine for a moment that you are a teenager: you have a group of close friends whove been with you since elementary school; youre one of the top students in your class; and your coach tells you that if you keep it up, you could have a shot at a scholarship, which you really need since your dream is to go into medicine. Unfortunately, you wont be able to fulfill your dream because of your parents undocumented status. As one of the 65,000 undocumented students in the U.S. who graduate from high school each year, you are barred from higher education and cannot legally obtain employment after graduation. Worse yet, there are people who in the U.S. who believe that all undocumented immigrants should be deported. Through no fault of your own, you could be forced to leave your home and move to a foreign country. Why Do People Think the Dream Act Is Bad for the U.S.? Does that seem fair? The DREAM Act, legislation that would provide a way for undocumented students to gain permanent residency through education or military service, is taking a hit from anti-immigrant groups, and in some cases, migrant advocates. According to the Denver Daily News, anti-illegal immigration advocate and former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo said the bill should be renamed the NIGHTMARE Act because it will increase the number of people who come to the United States illegally. FAIR thinks the DREAM Act is a bad idea, calling it amnesty for illegal aliens. The group echoes many anti-DREAMers saying that the DREAM Act would reward undocumented immigrants and encourage continued illegal immigration, it would take education spots away from American students and make it more difficult for them to obtain tuition assistance, and passage of the DREAM Act would put additional strain on the country since the students could eventually petition for their relatives residency. Citizen Orange explains that the military provision within the DREAM Act is a cause for concern for some migrant advocates. The author says that because many undocumented youth are underprivileged, joining the military could be their only path to leg al status. Its a concern that depends on a persons view of military service: whether it is seen as being forced to risk your life, or an honorable way to serve your country. There will always be differing views and opinions on any type of legislation, but especially so when it comes to a controversial topic like immigration. For some, the debate is as simple as whether or not to make children suffer because of the actions of their parents. For others, the DREAM Act is only one small part of comprehensive immigration reform, and the effect of such legislation would be widespread. But for the DREAMers  the undocumented students whose futures depend on the outcome  the outcome of the legislation means much, much more.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Genetic Engineering And World Hunger - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1202 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/14 Category Science Essay Level High school Tags: World Hunger Essay Did you like this example? Genetically altered foods have become present everywhere over the past few years. It is a breakthrough that allows humans to change and add manipulated genes to crops or alter or replace a gene to get a wanted trait, but it has turned into a heavily debated issue, especially for developing countries. Some people believe that these foods not only provide significant amounts of benefits to feed those in poverty in those countries, but they can also be a source of proper nutrition. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Genetic Engineering And World Hunger" essay for you Create order In third world countries, malnutrition is a major cause of death, among the poor. For example of a solution, scientists have created a strain of yellow rice containing high amounts of vitamin A and many other nutrients. Also, genetically modified crops are seeped in herbicides and pesticides, and other treatments to help growth and survival of the crop, but then again so are regular crops. So if that is the call of complaints, maybe people should find out how the crops they consider natural are planted. Though there are many, including the large manufactures who claim GMOs are going to save the poor from starving such as in Africa. Africa has a different story to tell. Similarly, delegates from 18 African countries at a meeting of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization responded these claims with a clear statement: We strongly object that the image of the poor and hungry from our countries is being used by giant multinational corporations to push a technology that is neither safe, environmentally friendly, nor economically beneficial to us. We do not believe that such companies or gene technologies will help our farmers to produce the food that is needed On the contrary it will undermine our capacity to feed ourselves. (Earth Island Journal) According to Harvard University, the process is more straightforward than you will see on the internet and this process actually is producing results. In the past 10 years production of the staples such as beans and corn have increased nearly 30 percent. (Feeding the World One Genetically Modified Tomato at a Time: A Scientific Perspective) Staples are becoming hybrids of themselves, containing genes from Bacillus thuringiensis that work to control a number of serious problems such as insect pesticide and are now being utilized commercially in the United States. Using these will slowly decrease the need to use those damaging insecticides. Improvements and great progress also has been made in the development of bettering staple foods such as corn and beans. The development of these plants could lead to a reduction in overall herbicide use. This should have both economic and environmental advantages, in theory. (Ending World Hunger. The Promise of Biotechnology and the Threat of Antiscience Zealotry) The first thing to do if we truly want to end world hunger is accept this claim introduced by large corporations. However, this claim has no scientific backing, whatsoever. So, therers that. After that is said and done then there is another obstacle: the money. Or in other words, the lack of research funds for agriculture and biodiversity (the variety of crops). Another one would be public concern about threatening the process of natural selection or survival of the fittest. Favoring biodiversity does not deny access to any future utilization of technology in the biological field but favoring biotechnology threatens future advances in biodiversity. (Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity) In other words, if we keep favoring the GMOs, we are stumping evolution and the natural order of things, therefore plant life will become severely limited. We will technically put the natural selection process in our hands. Whether or not this will be a good thing is yet to be seen. According to the Huffington Post, millions of children die due to inefficiencies in certain vitamins. (Can GMOs Help End World Hunger?) If we can stop these children from dying, I think it is worth the risks. Nothing values over human life. Sorry, plants. In another article, the reasons why scientists started looking for other options is introduced. I think it is an interesting part of the story. In my interpretation, it begun out of patriotism. Small farmers are literally the face of America, so when the food supply began to run short, no one actually wanted to get rid of our image, so scientists began to apply their research to food. The farmers were losing money on damaged goods due to pesticides and other treatments so when the first GMO was FDA approved, it was like Eureka! (Genetic Engineering, the Farm Crisis, and World Hunger) Back on track here, I went through several articles of opposing ideas on whether or not GMOs were actually going to combat world hunger. If so, that would be a strong point in their favor. And according to one of the largest GMO companies, Biotechnology is one of tomorrowrs tools in our hands today. Slowing its acceptance is a luxury our hungry world cannot afford. (Monsanto advertisement) According to a renowned website called Rachelrs Environment and Health Weekly, Neither Monsanto nor any of the other genetic engineering companies appears to be developing genetically engineered crops that might solve global food shortages.If genetically engineered crops were aimed at feeding the hungry, Rachelrs noted, ?Monsanto would be developing seeds with certain predictable characteristics including: ability to grow on substandard or marginal soils, ability to produce more high-quality protein with increased per-acre yield, without the need for expensive machinery, chemicals, fertilizers or water; engineered to favor small farms over larger farms, would be cheap and freely available without restrictive licensing, and would be designed for crops that feed people, not meat animals. (Earth Island Journal) Advertising is hardly accurate and either way, I am inclined to believe Rachelrs simply because visiting the website gave loads of statistics and facts, whereas Monsantors website shows lots of scenic photographs of idealistic farms and laboratories. (Rachelrs Environment and Health Weekly and Monsanto.com) Conclusively with all the research done on genetically altered foods, I think that it is a good thing. It might be considered taboo and/or the scapegoat for American obesity in some cases, but overall it is a technology with crazy potential to be phenomenal, but big corporations are using it to further their own agendas and to make money, living proof that the problem isnt the science or technology behind genetically altered food, but the CEOrs pocketbook. With more targeted genetic alteration and mass production to make it affordable for the desperately poor, it could be the solution for World Hunger. It is disappointing that American businesses are so selfish and greedy that they would produce a product that could save billions, including children, but instead they use otherrs misfortune as a false advertising scheme. America need to get in the habit of using its plentiful resources for good instead of greed. This research made me utterly disappointed and I cannot stress enough how much of a game changer this could be in developing or unstable countries, where the poor are desperately so. It would be easier for them to feed their families and take charge of their lives. Alas, America has to go through a change in maturity of leadership before this is even remotely possible.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Microsoft Case Study Windows Vista Essay - 847 Words
Over six billion dollars spent producing one of the worlds’ largest technological projects in history; Windows Vista. In 2007, Microsoft finally launched their new operating system years behind their proposed schedule and billions over budget. This essay will cover aspects over Microsofts arrangements with the development and sale of Windows vista in a monopolist market and the effects it would have if it was in a competitive market, discuss why PC’s are in a more competitive market compared to operating systems and diminishing profit of the ogolisitic market computer chip giants; AMD and Intel created. Being a monopoly, Microsoft is turning over a huge profit from retailers buying Windows Vista for a wholesale cost and marking the price†¦show more content†¦The PC market is extremely competitive. A competitive market, describes markets â€Å"in which there are enough buyers and sellers so that each has no impact on market prices†(Principles of Economics, Joshua Gans, Steven King, Robin Stonecash, N. Gregory Mankiw, 2012). Firms in the PC industry compete against each other to develop computers for multiple uses in varying price ranges, according to the specifications of the products, thus creating a market in which there are no over-ruling market powers. This market largely depends on Microsoft’s operating systems due to being a monopoly in the operating system market. With the introduction of Windows Vista on these new PC’s being developed, â€Å"Analysts are expecting a 10% increase in PC sales when compared to last year’s sales†(Tec hnology Sector at Threshold of New World Order, Kevin Allison Chris Nuttall, 2007) it is expected that new firms are to enter the market to produce PC’s. However â€Å"Isuppli estimates PC makers will have to spend 20 per cent more on components – an average desktop costing $500 to make will now cost $600.†(Technology Sector at Threshold of New World Order, Kevin Allison Chris Nuttall, 2007), suggests a thinner profit margin, as the increase in sales will be offset to varying degrees by cost of production. This may result inShow MoreRelatedMicrosoft Opens the Gates: Patent, Priacy, and Political Challenges in China.934 Words  | 4 PagesTutorial Case study: Microsoft Opens the Gates: Patent, Priacy, and Political Challenges in China. Q1: What are the risks that Microsoft has faced in operating in China and dealing with the Chinese government? Do you see these risks as increasing, diminishing, or changing in the future?Are these risks unique to China or present in other developing countries? A: There are two major risks that Microsoft has faced in operating in China. Firstly, after China joined WTO. 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Dealing With Dementia Essay - 979 Words
â€Å"Ted sought a diagnosis after being terminated from his job. Little did anyone know his memory and performance issues were due to a disease. (Life with ALZ)†This disease causes the loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. Dementia, is one form of this disease that gradually gets worse over time. It affects memory, thinking, and behavior. (WebMD, 1995) â€Å"Changes that take place in the brains of people. These brain changes may cause the memory loss and decline in other mental abilities that occur with Alzheimers disease. Alzheimer’s generally affects the brain making the ability to think straight harder. (Alzheimer Association, 1980)†Individuals that have this disease are become more modern with new different†¦show more content†¦Aids for reminiscence and leisure: multimedia software is available to evoke memories and stimulate conversation, by showing photographs or films about how life used to be, and playing music tha t is familiar to the person. (Alzheimers Society)†These memory aids help remind the individuals with this disease of simple task that the connection of brain cells have been tampered with. Alzheimer disease is characterized by progressive destruction and death of nerve cells in the brain. This leads to shrinkage or â€Å"deterioration†in certain regions of the brain and a decrease in chemicals called neurotransmitters that ferry important messages between nerve cells. Result of those cell and chemical losses is a steady decline in mental function. Alzheimer’s is caused by damage to brain cells. This damage interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other. When brain cells cannot communicate normally, thinking, behavior and feelings can be affected. Alzheimer’s is a mutation that is triggered by a mutation in genes on chromosomes 1, 14, or 21 during the early-onset Alzheimer. (DNA Learning Center) These symptoms are cause b y this disease but is passed down. 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Teenagers and Their Problems Domestic Business
Question: Describe about the Teenagers and Their Problems for Domestic Business. Answer: Introduction Experts in the modern world have regularly monitored the changing nature of the difficulties and their individual impact on crafting the life of a teenager. Problems like social media addiction, texting, unreal presence, underage sex, depression and many others have greatly the teens. The project primarily focuses on understanding the young life, their view of the world and also provides a set of advice to help them build a bright future. Discussion According to Pearson Davis (2013), as compared to the early days, there has been a vast change in the issues that are faced by the teenagers in the modern times. It is noted that the issues are no longer confined to just school stress or at domestic levels, the young now maintain an online as well real personality. Moreover, it is seen that there lays a huge gap in the relationship between the parents and their kids. As stated by Jeppesen et al., (2014), the teenagers now trust and depend on their friends as compared to the elder ones. Also, the there has been a significant rise in depression, cyber addiction, underage sex, bullying and many other similar. In addition to a heightening of peer-pressure and competition levels, there lies a lack in their self-perspectives as well. According to Kim (2016), being the most crucial years of a person`s life, the teenage phase is what defines oneself. The dilemma of several issues and burdened with a huge study pressure, the young generation is confronted with a large uncertainty. Psychological experts additionally describe the hormonal changes and puberty of the young. Despite of noticeable uneven circumstances, the parent`s role plays an important role in problem-solving of the teens (Zheng, 2013). Along with helping them to understand the rights and wrongs, the elders also actively take part in filling communication gaps. It is noted that with a vast range of distraction, it becomes very hard for the young generation to choose the right path. Additionally, there has also been an increase in the need for isolation and autonomy. The young age not only brings challenges for the kids but also for the grown-ups (Pearson Davis, 2013). In the words of Ryan O Connell, every meltdown of the kids will eventually turn out to be a laughing stuff to them in the coming future (Kim, 2016). Also, with a rise in self-importance levels the teenagers tends to value dressing and appearance more than their inner core development. As opined by Noller Callan (2015), with a presence of large uncertainties, promises and bonding often prove to be mere words in the future. Issues concerning unsafe sex, alcohol consumption, broken homes, abuse and drug overdose pose a great threat to teenagers. It is only with listening, considering and compromising with them that will contribute in mitigating negativities. Conclusion Despite of a widespread increase in the several issues and pressures confiding a teen, it is important that the affected chose the right path which leads to a brighter side of life. Furthermore, analyzing the several aspects of the project it can be concluded that the not only does the future but also their individual prospects to welcome the world increasingly depend on their young teen age. References Jeppesen, E., Bjelland, I., Fossa, S. D., Loge, J. H., Sorebo, O., Dahl, A. A. (2014, February). Does Parental Cancer Affect The Associations Between Parental Health Status And Psychosocial Problems In Teenagers? A Hunt Study. InPsycho-Oncology(Vol. 23, Pp. 62-62). 111 River St, Hoboken 07030-5774, Nj Usa: Wiley-Blackwell. Kim, M. (2016). Quality of life in teenagers with strabismus.Patient preference and adherence,10, 2277. Noller, P., Callan, V. (2015).The adolescent in the family. Routledge. Pearson, T., Davis, B. (2013). Developing emotional literacy with teenagers: building confidence, self-esteem and self awareness.Educational Psychology in Practice,29(4), 440-441. Zheng, M. I. N. (2013). Behavioral Problems of Teenagers and Influential Factors.Journal of Henan Police College,3, 012.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Corruption In Government Business Busidate †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Corruption In Government Business Busidate? Answer: Introducation Australia was ranked 13th in the transparency Internationals global corruption index in the for the second year. This index evaluates the perception of corruptions that occur in public service. Major forms of corruption are related to mining industry and foreign bribery in Australia. Corruption has the potential to create catastrophic harm to the overall economic growth of the country. This essay aims to illustrate the various bribing scandals that occurred in Australia and the anti-corruption polcies and legislation that need to be enforced. Professor AJ Brown is a member professor of the Transparency International Australia board."We have every reason to be concerned that next year, unless we start to take some concrete steps to build international confidence, then this may just have just been a little step on a continued way down," Professor Brown said (Direct quote). One of the corruption case was noted when a scandal took place where two firms owned by the Reserve Bank of Australia called the Securency and Note printing Australia were charged with the case of bribing foreign officials so that they can win back note contracts in the year 2013 (ABC News 2017) (News article). Many researchers are of the opinion that illicit flow of funds into Australia and particularly from Asia has been one of the significant problems for which proper laws need to be places with correct transparency (Watt 2015). Moreover, there are two important Australian companies who have embroiled in the different bribery scandals which reach into the offices of the presidents of Sri Lanka as well as the Republic of Congo. These organizations are believed to have been engaged in multimillion dollar contracts (ABC News 2017) (News article). It has been found that Perth based mining industry called the Sundance Resources had bribed the leaders of the Republic of Congo since they required presidential approval in 2007 as they were in need of the Africas most ambitious iron projects of Australia. When the Australian Federal police had conducted an investigation, it showed that a secret share of deal which had a worth of millions of dollars was brokered with the son of Congos despotic president namely Denis Sassou Nguesso. In this regard, the company had successfully captured the presidents support for backing up the project (Belasen and Toma 2015). Another important scandal came into news which included iconic Snowy Mountains Engineering Company (SMEC). The overseas staff of the organization has bribed the officials to secure a $ 2.3 million aid-funded sewerage project in the nation of Sri Lanka in the year 2011. Not only that, they developed a partnership with the Canadian company and together bribed a $ 2.2 million power plant project in the nation of Bangladesh on the year 2007 (Nick McKenzie, 2017). A deal was signed with the Sri Lankan cabinet minister called Mr. Sirisena who was given bribes from the Australian company in the form of donations for which Sirisena would approve the awarding of the dam contract to the organization (ABC News 2017) (News article). Another corruption which had shook the business world of the nation is the scandal of the head of the Primary healthcare namely Peter Gregg as well as his former employer Leightons Holdings and engineering group called WorsleysParsons getting involved in Bribery and corruption. Gregg was found to make a whopping payment of $ 15 million which he claimed to be a legitimate payment but could not prove it (Nick McKenzie 2017). Tabcorp had been also in vestigated by the Federal police as it was engaged in bribing the Cambodian prime minister when the company wanted to get gaming license in the country (Breen et al. 2017) (Academic journal). It is seen form from the discussion that there are many organisations as well as the people who are facing the corruption on the daily basis. In most of the cases it has been seen that a company might be asked by a government official of a foreign country for payment or amount of money in order to pass a licence which will help the organisation to sell a product to consumers there. there are times when the company can only enter into a potential growth markets if they do not provide money to the official. This has been a common form of corruption in the present day and there should be proper solution for it. Effective leadership in today's environment is extremely important where the corruption is prevalent. By participating in different kinds of training activities as well as setting the organisations code of ethics, the leader can set up an example for the employees. This example would be helpful in serving as a reference point for the employees as to how they should act ethically when such a challenging situation arises. Battling corruption does not only include complying with the laws and staying out for being discussed in the headlines. The main importance of battling corruption is that it has a requirement from the leaders to demonstrate activities as well as physical commitment for dealing with the case. In order to achieve this the leaders need to be engaged with their organisations processes of anti corruption. In course of time when this process becomes outdated it is necessary for the leaders to take initiative for their improvement. The leaders should remember that they would be the principal figures who will set the tone of the organisation order to properly establish the examples of ethical conduct. They must be the person who would be able to answer all the difficult questions of the employees as well as the business partners. And other important thing that the leadership keep an eye on is to help the policy makers in adopting tougher laws and re gulations and should step up for their efforts to combat the problem.Ethical behaviour should be the foundation of the initiative and should undertake good corporate governance.They should also encompass business practices at different levels that start from board as well as to employee levels. Both the board and the employees take initiative individually from their own sides to stop corruption (Belasen and Toma 2015). Boards should play an important role by developing incentive structures for the employees which would help to support and ethical leadership and it among senior management. As is seen from the discussion that Global leaders are mainly in the front lines of the battle against production. It is in their hands that they should publicly support anti-bribery laws and speak out against corruption practices. They should also make sure that this that the right to which would ensure that each employee would understand the different types of conduct that are acceptable and thos e which should not be accepted. The leaders should demonstrate their commitment to act against bribery by ensuring that the company address even the minor of the details. This initiative of the leaders should include a thorough background check on suppliers as well as taking the reference checks during the different types of hiring processes. The chairman of Transparency International's Australian subsidiary called Mr. Whealy are of the opinion that unless the anti money laundering regime cannot be developed by Australia, it would continue to fall in the different corruption rankings (Indirect quote). Brown had also stated that "The big gap is in the lack of a federal anti-corruption agency to really cover the gaps that we know exist in terms of public officials and parliamentarians being covered by the right sort of oversight," (direct quote). He had stated that there is urgent need to develop a better vision and there is also an urgency to control the source form where money is coming from. A number of strategies should be initiated by the government with strictness in action. Firstly, there should be proper policies which should be up to date, relevant as well as tailored for the organization as well as to the industry where it operates. Secondly the procedures should be well documented with audited for compliance (Had dad 2017) (Academic journal). Thirdly, a proper culture with top down and bottom up would help in the promotion of transparency and also reward those which identify the corruption and fraud. This would also take steps to protect those who had come forward form adverse action. Fourthly, a proper framework for fraud and corruption control which is necessary for the effective management of the situation is necessary. This would also assign responsibility and also outline the obligations of key stakeholders. Fifthly, a 24/7 hotline for the whistleblowers should be provided with protected disclosure policy. Proper employment screening should also be conducted would be conducted following proper rules. Training should also be conducted which would be tailored as well as relevant and delivered not only at the time of induction but on an ongoing basis (ABC News 2017) (News Article). It shouldbe noted that leadership and proper corporate governance are not the ultimate solution to production process but with proper values and commitment to different kinds of ethical standards, they can help to create a wonderful walking place where corruption becomes the exception rather than the goal followed. Policy and enforcement efforts should be continued so that there can be the shift of the landscape of compliance for different kinds of Global Business leaders. In today's world it is much easier to remain connected and therefore each and every business leaders should carry great power and influence the way others can conduct business. The organisational culture should be developed by them by installing ethics and compliance and by promoting core values setting proper Expectations and providing various kinds of incentive. All these measures would ultimately help in going a long way for achieving the best productivity of the organisation and also help in developing innovate , a creative job and promotion of fair and dynamic markets. It is extremely important for the administrative bodies and the Australian federal police to take important initiatives like proper policy, harsh punishment, greater penalties, as well as the respective organizations to implement strategies to reduce corruption at both the levels in Australia. References ABC News. 2017.Australia fails to improve ranking in global corruption index. [online] Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-25/australia-fails-to-improve-ranking-in-global-corruption-index/8212226 [Accessed 19 Sep. 2017]. (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-25/australia-fails-to-improve-ranking-in-global-corruption-index/8212226) Belasen, A.T. and Toma, R. eds., 2015.Confronting Corruption in Business: Trusted Leadership, Civic Engagement. Routledge. (https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=QbE0CwAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Belasen,+A.T.+and+Toma,+R.+eds.,+2015.+Confronting+Corruption+in+Business:+Trusted+Leadership,+Civic+Engagement.+Routledge.ots=NylcSIFOzXsig=nlIuSXEW2PF1tJfKc35CjphaL7E#v=onepageq=Belasen%2C%20A.T.%20and%20Toma%2C%20R.%20eds.%2C%202015.%20Confronting%20Corruption%20in%20Business%3A%20Trusted%20Leadership%2C%20Civic%20Engagement.%20Routledge.f=false) Breen, M., Gillanders, R., McNulty, G. and Suzuki, A., 2017. Gender and corruption in business.The Journal of Development Studies,53(9), pp.1486-1501. (article provided b1) Eicher, S. ed., 2016.Corruption in international business: The challenge of cultural and legal diversity. CRC Press. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=na8oDAAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PP1dq=Eicher,+S.+ed.,+2016.+Corruption+in+international+business:+The+challenge+of+cultural+and+legal+diversity.+CRC+Press.ots=Xe3G-fyNK7sig=m1ZYOzirtF4f6ocJuseRWCxsOH0#v=onepageqf=false Haddad, C., 2017. Foreign Direct Investment Regulation, Business Taxes, and Corruption: Cross-Country Study of Foreign Bank Presence. Nick McKenzie, R. 2017.Australian companies linked to bribe scandals in Sri Lanka and Congo. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: https://www.smh.com.au/business/australian-companies-linked-to-bribe-scandals-in-sri-lanka-and-congo-20160823-gqyzlp.html [Accessed 19 Sep. 2017]. (it is a news article) https://www.smh.com.au/business/australian-companies-linked-to-bribe-scandals-in-sri-lanka-and-congo-20160823-gqyzlp.html Watt, B., 2015. Corruption in government and business.Busidate,23(2), p.5. (It has to be bought by the student as it is a paid text book)
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