Sunday, November 10, 2019
Onhs Documentation
CHAPTER 1 1. The Problem and Its Background 2. 1 Introduction Enrollment serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering schools or universities, either public or in private. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrollment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part either individually or with company of a parent or some relatives.Enrollment is considered as the first step or procedure that must be done by old students within a particular institution before the semester per school year totally starts, but for those freshmen, or first year students (new students), they are obliged to usually take an admission test, to know and assess them the right course to engage to, followed by a scheduled interview in order to give them brief instructions and information about certain issues with regards to the school’s policies, institutional programs as well as persona l information, health, economic status, so on and so forth.Good enrollment is always an asset in a school, pertaining to fast payment, assessment procedures, and easy transactions with a high rate of accuracy. Therefore, good enrollment within the schools, if present, can be described as civilize, organize, accurate and professional. Enrollment has always been a difficult task, but it is more so today than ever before, where administrators uses the traditional way of filing records on a cabinet.Schools, like any other organization used to manage all sorts of data and information to ensure attainment of its goals and objectives. The emerging needs in most schools for accurate and relevant data and reliable information strengthen the Student Information System. As the population of the students goes up, it is becoming more complex. Data should be stored in safer places, and can be retrieved easily and fast when someone needs it.Administrator’s task has becoming more complex, th ere have been efforts to improve the effectiveness of problem solving and central to this are quantitative techniques and electronic devices such as computers. This study aims to come up with an enrollment system and grades management with short message service system for a high school which also includes information pertinent data such as name, year, section, etc. This system is design for the use of the staff to enable them to produce information required by different people.It will make the work of faculty and staff faster, easier and more comprehensive. The system will also store the data of the students. For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having an enrollment system and grades management with SMS System if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this. 2. 2 The Background of the Study Orani National High School (ONHS) is located at Kawayan, Orani, Bataan, it was established through the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Reso lution No. 41. ONHS campus started to operate three years before its House Bill No. 1425 was approved as Republic Act No. 8419 on November 27, 1997. ONHS is composed of (1864) one thousand eight hundred sixty four students. Five hundred forty (540) are first year, four hundred sixty three (463) are second year, four hundred thirty two (432) are third year and four hundred twenty nine (429) are seniors or graduating. The school has sixty six (66) teaching and non-teaching staff.Fifty three (53) teaching personnel are regular permanent and are nationally funded. Five are contractual, funded by the Provincial School Board of Bataan and the Local School Board of Orani. The non-teaching personnel is composed of three (3) Department Heads, one (1) Disbursing Officer who are regular and permanent and five (5) contractual support personnel funded by the Provincial School Board of Bataan and Local School Board of Orani.All teachers passed the Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET ) and Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) with Master of Arts in progress and are teaching their own major or field of specialization. The faculty, staff, students and parents of this school are caring people, who share one vision and one mission and who continuously strive to make ONHS a caring school system in Orani where every learner is Maka-Diyos, Maka-kalikasan, Maka-tao and Maka-Bansa; and make every student understand, do and enjoy what they have learned by being role models.Their enrollment is being done manually by the registrar and when the enrollment start the registrar will have a hard time to enroll the student in their current enrollment system, they found that using a manual process is hard to handle such as collection of records like storing, finding, sorting and securing of records particularly if this stored only in one room and in a limited space. It will be a big hassle for the registrar and the student when or if ever their going to get data or information .In this new system it will be easy for them to enroll and to get data or information from the registrar and also enable the registrar to easily produce information required by the different people in the school. 2. 3 Statement of the Problem 2. 4. 1 General Problem How to design, develop and implement an Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System for Orani National High School that would help the enrollment and grading process? 2. 4. 2 Specific Problems * Difficult data manipulation * The present way of enrollment and grading system is time consuming * There is no data retrieval of lost file There is no standard format when printing of grades * Difficult parental updates of the students * Security 2. 4 Objective of the Study 2. 5. 3 General Objective To be able to design, develop and implement an Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System for Orani National High School. 2. 5. 4 Specific Objective * To develop an information system tha t has the ability to manipulate data accurately. * To develop an information system that will lessen the workload, time, human resource and provides accurate information needed in an information system. * To develop a system that has the ability to protect the files. The proposed system will be having a standard printing format for the data. * To develop an information system that has parental updates. * For security purpose. 2. 5 Significance of the Study Due to the increasing students of Orani National High School, this study helped the school regarding their enrollment transactions. The proposed system aimed to benefit the school in their enrollment facilities such as maintaining the files, assessment of fees and especially the enrollment itself. The proposed system aimed to benefit the following: The School The main beneficiary of the study is Orani National High School.ONHS would be adapting the new innovation of technology through C# programming language that will make t heir work with optimum performance. The developed system will compensate the flaws and problems that the school is encountering. Registrar With regards to the registrar’s office the proposed system will help the school in maintaining the data of the students and the school will not use the manual data gathering. ONHS will just need to check the database for the records needed. Students The students will benefit by means of not having a hard time in falling in line and waiting for their turn to register. ProponentsThe proponents would also be a beneficiary of the study since the proponents would value the importance of enhancing their skills and work performance while grasping knowledge throughout the study. Future Researchers For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having an enrollment system if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this. 2. 6 Scope and Limitation The system will have the following features: * File Management * Students Master List * Grades Management * Generation of Reports * Student’s records report * Student’s grades report * Enrollment Process SMS function * Security However, the system will have the following limitations: * Enrollment Reservation * The SMS function is only available only during class hours between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. * The SMS function cannot be used if the prepaid kit doesn’t have enough loads to send information. 2. 7 Conceptual Framework ONHS Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System Of Orani National High School ONHS Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System Of Orani National High School ONHS System Students Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS ONHS SystemStudents Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS Students Information Users Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS Students Information Users Information Students Grades Announcements through SMS Output Output Input Input Process Process Figure 1. 1 Conceptual Frame Work 2. 8 Definition of Terms System- Any organized assembly of resources and procedures united and regulated by interaction or interdependence to accomplish a set of specific functions. Software- a collection of computer programs and related data that provide instructions on telling the computer what to do and how to do it.Database- a system intended to organize, store and retrieve large amount of data easily. Program- (also a software program) is a set of instructions written to perform a specified task for a computer. Installation- (or setup) of a program (includes drivers, plugins, etc. ) is the act of putting the program onto a computer system so that it can be executed. Xampp- is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.My sql- MySQL is a relation database management system (RDBMS) which has more than 6 million installations. MySQL stands for â€Å"My Structured Query Language†. The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. Significance-This is the importance of the study which is a quality of suggestiveness and expressiveness. CHAPTER 2 2. 0Review of Related Literature and Studies This section presents the writing of different facts and principles conducted by the proponents during the research, which have relevant to the study.It involves quotation of the author of the books and reference materials that may serve as the basis for sorting out and solving some problems that may be encountered in the development of the proposed study. 2. 1 Foreign Literature This portion presents a review of several literatures that would be beneficial to the study summarized from previous writings, showing detailed facts asserted by few people and pioneer in the field of com puter industry. On this element of study some reviews of the proponents and author’s passage in order to help the proponents to find ways in contact with the problem that have been encountered.Success of SMS The proposed system has an SMS function. An SMS is intended only for short messaging. It is limited but very convenient to use. Even if it’s limitation, The SMS industry or Telecommunication industry is one of the most successful business ventures in the world. This was proved in the book of Brian Retford and Jordan Schwartz entitled â€Å"How to Build an SMS Service†. â€Å"SMS, or Short Message Service, is rapidly emerging as a multibillion dollar a year industry. A leading research firm reports that consumer spending on mobile services represents a $140 billion opportunity worldwide, with person-to-person SMS making up half f that. Portio Research reported that there were 946 billion SMSs sent in 2006. Clearly, the medium has hit the mainstream. To suppo rt the first statement, there is also an article regarding about the success of the SMS which is entitled â€Å"Future of SMS†by Ronald J. de Lange, Executive Vice President, Global Product Solutions, Tekelec. â€Å"SMS has been the most successful non-voice service for mobile operators in the history of telecommunications and, as such, has been a key revenue generator.Every year stories of the demise of this 160-character service are thick in the air, and every year SMS usage continues to grow as more uses are found for this once ignored service. The key to the success of SMS has been its simplicity, reach, price and reliability. All other messaging based applications launched since SMS have struggled to meet the lofty expectations set by the service and pale in comparison to its success. Industry-related reports point to a future in which SMS volumes and revenue will continue to grow on a global basis for at least the next three years. So what is going to drive this level of growth?In short, several trends will drive the continued expansion of the service. †The researcher believed that the existence of SMS is a big help in terms of convenient way of communication. Importance of Computers in the Business Today, our generation is considered as a computer age. There is no place in the world without Computers. Computers, Internet, Facebook are now considered part of our lives. Even in the school, Computers give us a lot of benefits especially in the business. Computers can provide a business a fast, reliable, systematized and organized way of giving services.This was proved in the research article of Alexis Writing entitled â€Å"What Are the Advantages of Computers in Business†. â€Å"Computers have tremendously improved the way businesses operate in their respective industries. Technology has advanced so remarkably that those who are not using computers in their business are at a major disadvantage against their competitors. In particul ar, there are several important advantages that computers can provide to small businesses. Organization Computers allow the application of different types of software that can help businesses keep track of their files, documents, schedules and deadlines.Computers also allow businesses to organize all of their information in a very accessible manner. The ability to store large amounts of data on a computer is convenient and inexpensive, and saves space. A computer's ability to allow a company to organize its files efficiently leads to better time management and productivity. Self-Sufficiency Computers have made staff and companies more self-sufficient by allowing them to do tasks that previously had to be outsourced. For example, a company can now use office software to create their own training material.Desktop publishing software can be used to create marketing materials. Online tax and accounting programs allow companies to prepare their own taxes. This allows the dominant operati ons of a company to remain in-house and empowers the company to become more independent and less susceptible to errors committed by outside parties. Cost-Effective Emerging technology makes new tools and services more affordable and allows companies to save on their staff payroll and office equipment. Because computers allow work to be done faster and more efficiently, it is possible for a company to hire fewer staff.In addition, with networked and relatively inexpensive computers, companies can store data more easily, saving on the cost of outside file storage, and can avoid having to purchase as many copiers, fax machines, typewriters, and other such items that were used before computers became popular. Correspondingly, potentially profitable businesses can be started with a smaller overhead cost. Email capabilities decrease postage costs; software applications reduce the need for large accounting departments, while videoconferencing reduces the need for travel.All resources saved will trickle down to the consumers, who are then provided with much more affordable products and service. Speed Computers help speed up other business operations. The collecting of consumer feedback, ordering of raw materials, and inspection of products is made quicker through the use of computers, allowing companies to operate much faster and to produce better quality results. Sales Computers can help generate higher sales and profits for businesses via a company website. Many businesses now operate online and around the clock to allow customers from around the world to shop for their products and services. 2. 2 Foreign Studies Short Message Service || SMS SMS can be used for a variety of uses in conjunction with mobile prepay including notification of low balance and balance inquiry, short codes used in conjunction with prepaid roaming, and even SMS itself can be provided on a prepaid basis by the mobile network operator. When used in conjunction with the SIM Toolkit, SMS can be used as the vehicle for a variety of secure transaction-oriented services such as mobile banking; news alerts, product alerts, updated sports information, job alerts, and SMS aided utility services and so on.According to the study AN SMS AND WEB-BASED TRAFFIC CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN BANGLADESH by Sangeet Saha, August 2006, â€Å"The Traffic Police can use this SMS to know the case information, vehicle information and driver information. When the traffic police want to know this information then they will just send an SMS to a particular number. Then they will receive an SMS which contains all the information that they want to know. Thus this will help the traffic police in many ways. They can easily gather information through an SMS. Their SMS system will work when the police send an SMS using this format than this SMS will go to the central database and run the query. After getting the result, server will return an SMS to the police about the information. If no result found that it will also return an SMS of no result. In this the SMS for traffic, the police will send only the car license number. And the result will contain it’s case number, offender’s name, date of offence, date of presence to the station and the papers name that are captured.In the published thesis of Yu Loon Ng, SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS) SECURITY SOLUTION FOR MOBILE DEVICES, December 2006, â€Å"This thesis focuses on the security of Short Message Service (SMS) and the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) network, and the use of encryption to protect SMS messages. A detailed study of the GSM network, the SMS protocol and various encryption schemes was conducted to understand the properties of different encryption schemes and their applicability to SMS messages. An experiment was conducted to measure the actual performance of various encryption schemes on a modern smart phone.An analysis of the encryption scheme properties and the performance measurement was then conducted to select a suitable scheme for SMS encryption. The selected scheme was implemented in the form of a Secure SMS Chat application to validate the viability of the selected encryption scheme. Potential applications of secure SMS in military settings are also discussed. †Their thesis focuses on the use of encryption to secure SMS messages. The encryption requirements of voice traffic and other data traffic will not be discussed.The characteristics of different encryption schemes and their performance on a modern mobile device are presented. The properties of SMS were assessed with respect to their impact on encryption selection. Based on the measurement results, a suitable encryption scheme for SMS is selected, and deployed. A typical application is used to validate the selection. 2. 3 Local Studies Enrollment System The proponents primarily choose the topic regarding about enrollment is because this will give a lot of benefits to many, most especially to the students , teachers and of course the school.The other reason is because it has abundant resources that can help the proponents on developing the project. To improve the existing enrollment system our proposed system will be using the most efficient, fast and reliable machine that is widely used around the world which is computers. In the unpublished thesis of Computer Based Enrollment Information System for St. Mary's College of Meycauayan by Joseph Bernard Reyes, May 2002 it is mentioned that â€Å"One cannot deny the fact that the computer has become a tool that is shaping almost every facet of life.It is used by the government, military, big businesses, in homes and of course in schools. This is especially true in highly industrialized countries like United States, Japan and England. Moreover, the expanding application of computers in education and in business organization has prompted leaders and managers to find ways on how to use the computer to make their operations more efficient. They are be used to enhance performance and efficiency and this makes them very valuable tools for most learning institution in the Philippines†. The existing enrollment system of the school ONHS is using manual filing system.Nowadays almost all Universities, Colleges and Private Schools are using Computerized Enrollment System, that’s why the respondents agreed that it is time for the school to change and upgrade their enrollment system. Enrollment is considered as the first step or procedure that must be done by the students within a particular institute. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrollment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part either individually or with company of a parent or some relatives.According to the study of Computer Based Enrollment Information System for St. Mary's College of Meycauayon, â€Å"Enrollment is the start of the relationshi p between the school and the students. Enrollment is one of the most important functions in any learning institution because it is the actual start of the interaction between the school and the students. †Moreover our proposed system aims to improve the Enrollment system of the school. The proponents want to help not only the students, teachers, the school but of course the development of the technology in our country.Short Message Service The proposed system offers not only Enrollment and Grading System but also an SMS or Short Message Service capability as well. The reason why the proponents came up on adding an SMS feature on the system is because aside from the internet, SMS is the best way to communicate with other people. According to the study â€Å"Tri Sensor Microcontroller Based Intelligent Monitoring System w/ SMS Transmission and Reception†by De Vera, Joy S. , Malixi, Jaime Jr. , Palisoc Aira, Purugganan, Leah S. , and Sarinas, Angolito Salvodor, Aug 20 20 03. SMS is a globally accepted wireless service that enables the alphanumeric messages between mobile subscribers and external system. It is characterized by out-of-bound packet delivery and low bandwidth message transfer, which results in a highly efficient means for transmitting short bursts of data. †The proponents will use the SMS to communicate with the parents or guardians of the students. The system’s SMS function will be the formal way of the school to communicate with the parents. According again to the study, â€Å"Communication is one important factor in life. It is the process of passing information of what is happening.Today, one medium we are currently incorporating is SMS / Text Messaging. In SMS messaging, information is sent effectively and fast. †The proponents therefor conclude that an SMS function on a system will be a big help on improving the current system of the School. Short Message Service, means of Communication Cellular Phones have b een a world-wide craze today. It plays an important role in everyone’s life. It helps us communicate and to be in touch with our love ones. One reason why all of us consider cellular phone a necessity is because of its SMS or short message service.In the Philippines there are many Telecommunications Company are offering a lot of affordable texting/SMS offers. According to the Study Microcontroller based SMS Micro E-load Vending machine by Cu, Joshua C. and Uy, Jeckson T. , August, 2006. â€Å"Cellular communication can help us locate and be in touch with another person in a remote location. Since the Philippines being a developing country 33% of our population is under poverty (Senate Economic Planning Office, 2005). Wireless Telecommunications Company offered prepaid loading option that is highly suitable in the Philippine setting.Subscribers purchase consumable credits for their account in present denominations. †In the statement above, it only shows how the S MS is widely used in our country. SMS or texting is considered not only for fun, it is considered today as a necessity. CHAPTER 3 3. 0 Methodology 3. 1Research Design Tools 4. 1. 1 Data Gathering Techniques Used Every data to be gathered has a proof from the respondents. Proponents interact on different participants which works are related to the design proposal, to gather relevant data from them. Directress was the overall head of enrollment system of Orani National High School.She deals with student’s evaluation and also has a list of copy of students enrolled. By interview and observations, proponents will know current processes regarding enrollment activities. On the other hand, registrar department manages master list of the students (new, transferee, old). The department was also assign in sectioning of the students. By the use of this information, proponents will gather data about sectioning. In addition to that, selected parents and students will be an important participant since they are the main beneficiary of the design proposal.With the aid of surveys and sets of questionnaires about enrollment procedures, proponents will know problems regarding existing Enrollment System. Sources of Information a. Interviews which were conducted on the person involved in the Enrollment system to have a better understanding on how the current system works. b. Communication letters which were used by the proponents for request for permission to implement the study with the approval of the school. c. Other Sources of information are school documents provided by the school which contains information.Instruments Used in the Survey, Sample Questionnaires, Interview Questions, Communication Letters The following personnel are vital to how the system operates in which the proponents have selected to ask questions about how the current system works. a. School Registrar * Provided an ove rview of the system * Questions are imposed by asking general to specific questions b. Teacher aiding enrollment every year * Explained about further details of their system * Questions are raised from specific questions going to a more general one 4. 1. 2 Consolidated Findings, Analysis of Information Gathered, Summary of Information a.Summary of Information Information gathered through school documents is insufficient for the handbook only gives the history of the school however in the interview the proponents found out that the student files are not secured from unauthorized personnel, data loss and inconsistency for the it is manual and only placed on a cabinet. 4. 1 Research Design The proponents adopt descriptive study, and used quantitative approach in attaining relevant ideas that will involve in design proposal. In this scheme, proponents ask information in detailed questions regarding what they observed in actual to the school.They also adopt quantitative approach of study which observed particularly in numbers. This will give way to use the method where in data are manipulated by means of getting only sample that can represent a whole. A good instance is an enrollment system wherein student’s population is much involved. By getting some portion in the population of students in every year level, they can achieve data by means of average answers. 4. 2 Instrument used in Study a. Interview Sheets Provide set of questions done by interviewer to be answer by selected respondents.Different kinds of questions are indicated seeing as that proponents interviewed several kinds of personnel involve in the system. The following are directress, registrar and teachers since they are much involved in enrollment activities of ONHS. b. Gantt Chart Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the duration of task against the progr ession of time. It is a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects. Proponents used Gantt chart in order to them to monitor allotted time for the project. 4. 3 System Development Paradigm Employed Verification Verification Testing ; quality assurance Testing ; quality assuranceMaintenance Maintenance Verify Verify Planning Planning Conceptualization Conceptualization Design Design Development Development Implementation Implementation Initiate Project Initiate Project Design Review Design Review Design Approval Design Approval System development System development Product Process Iteration Figure 3. 2 Waterfall model The proponents preferred to use the waterfall model, because the waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through each phases. Progress flows from the top to the bottom, like a waterfall.This model represents the software development life cycle using processes, i nput and output. Each process transforms an input to produce a new product as output. Then the new product becomes the input of the next process. 4. 4 SYSTEM MODELS 3. 5. 1Data Flow Diagram of the Existing System Figure 3. 3 Existing Enrollment System Diagram Figure 3. 4 Existing Grades Management Diagram 3. 5. 2Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System Figure 3. 5 Enrollment and Grades Management System with SMS Diagram BdayYear BdayYear BdayDay BdayDay BdayMonth BdayMonth 3. 5. 2Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the Proposed System LastnameLastname Firstname Firstname School Year School Year ID ID Sections Sections Has Has Third Year Third Year Second Year Second Year Fourth Year Fourth Year First Year First Year Year Level Year Level Enrollment Enrollment Enrols Enrols Student Student ID ID Middlename Middlename Guardian Guardian Contact Number Contact Number Section Section ID ID Year Year Date Enrolled Date Enrolled 3. 6 Programming Languages/ Database Used The proposed syste m used C# for the object-oriented programming method. The database used is MySQL due to its flexibility and open-source nature.Visual C# C# (pronounced â€Å"C sharp†) is a programming language that is designed for building a variety of applications that run on the . NET Framework. C# is simple, powerful, type-safe, and object-oriented. The many innovations in C# enable rapid application development while retaining the expressiveness and elegance of C-style languages. Visual C# is an implementation of the C# language by Microsoft. Visual Studio supports Visual C# with a full-featured code editor, compiler, project templates, designers, code wizards, a powerful and easy-to-use debugger, and other tools.The . NET Framework class library provides access to many operating system services and other useful, well-designed classes that speed up the development cycle significantly. MySQL The most popular Open Source SQL database management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation. XAMPP A free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. 3. 7 Feasibility StudyA feasibility study is made to ensure that the project to be implemented has benefits rather than costs or if the project will earn more benefits than before. 3. 8. 1 Economic Feasibility- Cost-Benefit Analysis Development Cost The major cost of the project’s development went to the transportation to the school and the documentation (all the print puts and final book bind) of the project. Transportation-500++ Documentation-1000++ Project Cost Because the proponent agreed to create and maintain the project for free the only cost there will be is prepaid kit for the SMS functions. Prepaid Kit-1200Intangible Benefits * The schools would require less supplies needed in their existing enrollment and grades management (bond papers, pens, folders, envelops, etc. ) because they can use the proposed system without using such papers and pens * Because it is a computerized system, the school will be easier to come across in the enrolment and grading process. * The parents or guardians of students, of the school can be updated because of the SMS that will send a grades of student and important announcement of the school. CHAPTER IV 4. 0Implementation and Evaluation 4. 1Implementation 4. 2EvaluationName: | Date:| School / Organization| Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service Systemof Orani National High SchoolCheck the box which best matches your opinions:1-strongly disagree -5-strongly agree| Questions:| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 1. Is our system proposal user-friendly? | | | | | | 2. Is our system proposal can completely replace your existing system? | | | | | | 3. Is our system proposal can resolve some of the issues regarding your enrollment and grades management system? | | | | | | 4. Do you agree with the added SMS feature in the system proposal? | | | | | | 5.Is the system proposal reduces your working time? | | | | | | Please provide any other comments in the text below: Signature over Printed Name CHAPTER V 5. 0Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 5. 1Summary Orani National High School is a public school in Orani, Bataan. Based on the investigations conducted, the school uses the traditional manual enrollment system. Data and information were kept on a filing cabinet, which finds difficulty and time consuming in retrieving the documents when needed. Grades were also kept by the present teacher of the students, which has no assurance of safe keeping.It also takes a long time to process grades, lists of students, and correction of entries. During the first day of school, the student finds it hard to locate their names in a list posted on the doors of the classroom. Because of this, we are proposing the Enrollment a nd Grades Management with SMS System. This software has the ability to keep student’s records in a single database. This system can be the solution to some of the problems encountered by the school as defined previously. It is recommended to the school to provide a computer where we can install the system.And also, a committee which can be headed by some teacher must be organized to operate the system. This software can be acquired in a very minimal cost. Free seminars and trainings will be given to the person who will operate the system, and manuals will be provided. Some of the benefits that can be acquired in this system were: * easy correction of entries * effective and efficient production of data * grades can be kept in a database for future use * upon enrollment, students can immediately know their designated sections * will lessen the workloads of the teachers and staff * effective enrollment processingThis proposed system is guaranteed to use, and will not be useless . Alternative solutions should be considered to make their enrollment system improved and progressive. 5. 2Conclusion Based on the observations that the team conducted during the interview, we found out that on the manual system that the school is presently using, information and records were not kept accordingly that causes lost of important papers and documents. The student’s Form-137 was kept by the present teacher of the student as well as birth certificate or baptismal certificate, which has no assurance of safety keeping.Another problem identified is when the entries of names in the student’s lists are not updated, where some are complaining when records are incorrect if someone needs the documents. One respondent said that lists of classes were not produced immediately upon the start of the school year, that’s why it takes 2 to 3 days to know what the student’s section. By gathering sufficient information through research, and interview the propone nts were able to develop a system that would help Orani National High School for the enrollment process. The system also eased ONHS from the risks and errors that are involved with their existing system.The development of an enrollment system requires an understanding and an analysis of the existing system of the problems, requirements, and specifications that the school laid out. It also required ample amount of preparation that involves conducting interviews, obtaining necessary information through research, and coming up with a resolution for the requirements of the school. 5. 3Recommendation Because of the problems encountered by Orani National High School, we recommend to the administration to have an Enrollment system that is useful in many ways, and that is the computerized enrollment system.An Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System that has the ability to store students information, to compute grades fast and easy and that can easily be retr ieved and printed when needed. This enrollment system also can be able to make corrections of entry easily and fast. Through this, we can be sure that all the information will be kept in a single database so that we can minimize some problems like loss of records.It is recommended to the Orani National High School that the detailed specification and implementation of the system would ensue as long as the administration approved the Enrollment and Grades Management with Short Message Service System. * Provide a computerized enrollment system that has the ability to track records, make corrections and that can generate data fast and effective. *  Provide a system that can secure all the information and record of the students. *  Provide software that will lessen the workloads of the teachers and the administration. * To have a system that can give the students a successful enrollment system.
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